mtanda / grafana-heatmap-epoch-panel

Apache License 2.0
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Easy List blocking ajax request for heatmap.js #22

Closed petemyron closed 7 years ago

petemyron commented 7 years ago

Trying to use the Heatmap panel on monitoringartist/Grafana-xxl 3.1.1 in docker on Ubuntu server. In Chrome (Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit)) on OSX with uBlock Origin 1.9.10 I see that the request for Heatmap.js?bust=whatever is blocked on EasyList for that specific filename, I suppose.


Though I think it's silly, consider changing the name or working with Easy List (but are there others?) to relax that setting. I imagine I'm not the only one that will get this blocked--I certainly can't deploy it if some of my users will also have it blocked.

mtanda commented 7 years ago

Ah..., I don't want to change the name. (The name follow common pattern in other panel plugin.) The easylist contains many common file names, I think avoiding to use such name is not realistic.

I understand your situation, you are site admin or something, and deploy Grafana for other user.

Maybe, change file name (or append random suffix) in Grunt build process is better.

mtanda commented 7 years ago

According to, this issue can be resolved by uBlock Origin setting.

I don't have a plan to fix this, so I close this issue.