mtandon09 / CCBR_GATK4_Exome_Seq_Pipeline

An easy-to-use, flexible variant calling pipeline for use on the Biowulf cluster at NIH
MIT License
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Cache DockerHub images locally #30

Closed skchronicles closed 2 years ago

skchronicles commented 2 years ago


Adding a script to cache DockerHub images locally as SIFs. The --docker-login option allows a user to authenticate with their DockerHub username/password to pull private images or to increase the DockerHub pull rate limit.

Authenticated (free DockerHub accounts) pull have a limit of 200 requests every 6 hours; whereas, unauthenticated pulls have a pull rate limit of 100 pulls every 6 hours.

Here is the expected format of the file provided to the --docker-login option, where <dockerhub_username> and <dockerhub_password> are replaced with a valid DockerHub username and password.:

export SINGULARITY_DOCKER_USERNAME=<dockerhub_username>
export SINGULARITY_DOCKER_PASSWORD=<dockerhub_password>