mtatsuma / MMM-WeatherChart

Magic Mirror Module for displaying weather chart
MIT License
26 stars 8 forks source link

Icons cover temperatur texts #21

Closed keineAhnung667 closed 3 years ago

keineAhnung667 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I just installed your module and like it. But there is one thing that doesnt fit: the icons cover the temperature texts.


My config:

       "module": "MMM-WeatherChart",
        "position": "top_right",
        "config": {
            "apiKey": "xyz",
            "lat": xyz,
            "lon": xyz,
            "units": "metric",
  "updateInterval": 15 * 60 * 1000,
  "title": "Wetter Münster",
  "showRain": true,
  "showIcon": true,
  "fillColor": "rgba(30, 144, 255, 0.2)",
            "dataNum": 13,
            "dataType": "hourly",
            "height": "400px",
            "width": "500px",

Btw: why changes the temperature line from 17 o'clock?

mtatsuma commented 3 years ago


Thank you for sharing the problem. I added two patches to solve the problem.

1) The width and height module configs did not work well and I fixed that. 2) Enable to change the icon size by setting iconWidth and iconHeight module config.

So, to avoid the overlapping, please clone the latest module and you should adjust the configs width, height, fontSize, iconWidth and iconHeight. For your above config, setting fontSize=14 or iconWidth/Height=40 may work well.

Btw: why changes the temperature line from 17 o'clock?

The line style can be changed for night time temperature. See nightBorderDash config option in README.