mtatsuma / MMM-WeatherChart

Magic Mirror Module for displaying weather chart
MIT License
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Icons overlapping text #38

Closed hermannw closed 2 years ago

hermannw commented 2 years ago

Hi @mtatsuma

I updated my MagicMirror to V2.17.1 and installed your module yesterday. It looks like I have the same problem as mentioned in issue #21 . iconWith and iconHeight don't seem to exist in the code any longer and I don't want to make the font smaller. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Also: Is it possible to suppress the decimal values at the temperature? I don't think the predicted temperature will be THAT precise. :-) Thanks for providing this great module! Hermann

mtatsuma commented 2 years ago


Thank you for using this module.

When the height in your config is small (e.g. <= 300px), icons may overlap the data labels. It can be avoided if you can set height as larger value (e.g. >= 500px).

Another option is to set datalabelsOffset as a negative value, which makes the space between labels and lines smaller.

When I set height: 300px, fontSize: 18 and datalabelsOffset: -4, it draws following chart.


The iconWidth and iconHeight options became unavailable when I updated Chart.js to v3.x due to a technical problem. If you want to use these options, you can use an old version (e.g. v2.6.0) of MMM-WeatherChart. But I do not recommend to use the older versions because they are not tested well with the latest MagicMirror.

If you share your config options with me, I can check the config in my environment.

hermannw commented 2 years ago

Hi tatsuma,

thanks for the quick answer! I am using MagicMirror in portrait mode and I would like to see the weather prediction in the top bar. So a height bigger than 300px does not look good. This is how it looks now: image I did a few more tests with the datalabelOffset. I tried -30 which puts the entire text below the line. Unfortunately it also puts the rain and snow labels below the line. image I found a good compromise with the following settings:

            "module": "MMM-WeatherChart",
            "position": "top_bar",
            "config": {
                "apiKey": "xxx",
                "dataNum": 24,
                "dataType": "hourly",
                "height": "250px",
                "width": "1050px",
                "lat": 40.018574,
                "lon": -80.161383,
                "units": "metric",
                "showRain": true,
                //"showZeroRain": false,
                "includeSnow": true,
                "showSnow": true,
                //"showZeroSnow": false,
                "showIcon": true,
                "colorRain": "rgba(39, 84, 245, 0.8)",
                "fillColor": "rgba(108, 137, 241, 0.8)",
                "datalabelsOffset": -4,
                "fontSize": 14

I don't know if it's possible to make the gap between icons and temperature bigger or maybe adjustable. image

One thing that makes testing very tedious is that it always takes between 10-15 minutes to load the icons after MM restart. Is that normal? I even set the update interval to 1 minute but it still took 11 minutes to load the icons...


mtatsuma commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your problem. I will fix that issue and make more margin between icons and lines. Please give me some time.

mtatsuma commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for my late response.

I fixed the issue and released v3.2.0 of MMM-WeatherChart. Please clone the latest module and check if your problem is solved.

$ cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
$ git clone


$ cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
$ git clone -b v3.2.0
hermannw commented 2 years ago

Thank you tatsuma, that looks great! If yo could suppress the decimal points on the temperature, I would be a very happy camper! :-) I think it would look a lot cleaner and less crowded.


mtatsuma commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for my late response again.

I added a new config option datalabelsRoundDecimalPlace.

Your problem will be solved by setting this option as 0 on your config after cloning the latest MMM-WeatherChart module.

like the follows


hermannw commented 2 years ago

Wonderful! Thank you very much! Happy New Year!