mtatsuma / MMM-WeatherChart

Magic Mirror Module for displaying weather chart
MIT License
26 stars 8 forks source link

Cant see the module #54

Open Kikstraaa opened 3 months ago

Kikstraaa commented 3 months ago

I've downloaded the module (latest version) and installed it, entered the API key and have chart.js on version chart.js@4.4.2. I am doing something wrong, but cant find it. The API Key is also working and the location is also checked.

I see the space on the screen where it has to be, but nothing is showing, all i see is a black box on the place where it has to be between the modules. All the other modules are working.

What am i doing wrong?

mtatsuma commented 3 months ago

Hello @Kikstraaa

Chart.js v4 is not tested on the module. Is it possible to use Chart.js v3?

I tested well for the default Chart.js version (v3.4.0).

Kikstraaa commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your reply, ive installed v3.4.0 in stead of the newest version, but didn't work either. Also updated to chart.js V3.9.0, also nothing visible. The place where it should be is still black, further under the rest of the modules are visible. I've reinstalled the Module and didnt change anything. This is the what i have on the moment: { module: "MMM-WeatherChart", position: "top_right", config: { "apiKey": "working api key from open weathermap", "dataNum": 12, "dataType": "hourly", "height": "300px", "width": "500px", "lat": 52.126305, "lon": 4.653876, "units": "metric", "showRain": true, "includeSnow": true, "showSnow": true, "showIcon": true } },

This evening im going to reinstall the whole Raspberry. If anyone has ideas what to do, then please let me know.

mtatsuma commented 3 months ago


further under the rest of the modules are visible.

What modules are you using at the same time? The other modules you are using may load a different version of Chart.js for your screen.

Kikstraaa commented 3 months ago

Mmm-Weatermap Mmm-rainfc Mmm-NLDepartureTimes Mmm-nstreinen

I've also tried the other mmm-WeatherChart but also didn't work

mtatsuma commented 2 months ago

Hi @Kikstraaa


Could you provide the link for the Github repository? I can not find it.

Kikstraaa commented 2 months ago

Milkysunshine commented 2 months ago

Same issue here. It displays as blank using chart.js 3.4.0, or 3.9.1

Milkysunshine commented 2 months ago

Looking at the browser console, I was getting a 401 unauthorized for the onecall request. It took quite a while for my subscription to be activated by openweather even though I already had a free account with api keys.

It is now resolved for me.