mtekman / ZoteroGoogleDrive-PDFLinker-Cloud

A tool to sync a zotero library with a google drive folder via shareable links, cloud edition
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Conjunction of PDF modes listed inaccurately #6

Open dannaf opened 5 years ago

dannaf commented 5 years ago

Default myconfig.conf file lists:

[PDF Settings]
#  what to do with each pdf:
#  - any conjunction of attaching the pdf as a child item,
#    and/or overwriting or clearing the url field of the item
#  - valid modes are: attach_pdf, remove_pdf, url_set, url_clear
mode = attach_pdf

But it is incorrect that "any conjunction" will work, as cannot have both url_set and url_clear together. It is not clear whether url_set will first clear and then set, thus overwriting, or if the user would want to list both in order to set-and-override.

Also, url_set seems to fail to override, in practice. (Zotero 5.0).

mtekman commented 5 years ago

I guess I should change this to attach_pdf/remove_pdf, url_set/url_clear would that be clearer?

I do not wish to overburden the config with all valid configurations (attach_pdf OR remove_pdf OR url_set OR url_clear
OR attach_pdf, url_set OR remove_pdf, url_set OR attach_pdf, url_clear OR remove_pdf, url_clear)

If you know a concise way to write this, it would be greatly appreciated

mtekman commented 5 years ago

As for what url_set does, it literally clears the URL string of the entry and writes in a new one. So url_set and url_clear do not need to be used together