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Taylor factor code issues #1364

Closed ArulUQ closed 2 years ago

ArulUQ commented 2 years ago

I have generated Schmid factor map but i could not able to get a taylor factor map using the below code

eps = strainTensor(diag([-1,-1,-1]))

epsCrystal = inv(grains.meanOrientation) * eps

[M, b, W] = calcTaylor(epsCrystal, sS);

plot(grains,M,'micronbar','off') mtexColorbar southoutside

Error Message

Error using optimoptions (line 124) Invalid solver specified. Provide a solver name or handle (such as 'fmincon' or @fminunc). Type DOC OPTIMOPTIONS for a list of solvers.

Error in strainTensor/calcTaylor (line 65) options = optimoptions('linprog','Algorithm','interior-point-legacy','Display','none');

Error in TRIAL_CASA_10 (line 197) [M, b, W] = calcTaylor(epsCrystal, sS);``` put the error message here


Can you please help me to fix this?
kilir commented 2 years ago

Hi, what matlab version are you using? Cheers, Rüdiger

ArulUQ commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am using 2021b BR Arul

kilir commented 2 years ago

And you have the Optimization Toolbox installed? Cheers, Rüdiger

ArulUQ commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Rudiger. It worked well after the Optimization toolbox installation ! BR Arul