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Suggestion about the hist.m #2105

Closed MaynotbeGarychan closed 3 months ago

MaynotbeGarychan commented 3 months ago


Issue about: grain2d/hist

Background: I am trying to plot a barplot to show the distribution of grains size.

% This situation, I can change the label, title to my setting. And the label is inside the figure box.

fig = figure;
xlabel('\textbf{Grain size (radius)} [$\mu m^2 $] ','Interpreter','Latex');
ylabel('\textbf{Relative area} [$\%$]','Interpreter','Latex');
title('\textbf{Temp.} = 300$^{o}$C, \textbf{Strain rate} = 10$^{-3}$','Interpreter','Latex'); 

Screenshot from 2024-03-27 21-48-55

% However, in this situation, the label is outside the figure box.

fig = figure;
hist(grains, grains.equivalentRadius); 
xlabel('\textbf{Grain size (radius)} [$\mu m^2 $] ','Interpreter','Latex');
ylabel('\textbf{Relative area} [$\%$]','Interpreter','Latex');
title('\textbf{Temp.} = 300$^{o}$C, \textbf{Strain rate} = 10$^{-3}$','Interpreter','Latex'); 

Screenshot from 2024-03-27 21-47-25

%% It seems that when i assgn the values to the hist, the label will be out of the figure box. Then, I debug and step into the hist.m line 75 (if isNew, mtexFig.drawNow(varargin{:});end), comment it out like

min = grains.mineralList(idList); legend(min{:}) % if isNew, mtexFig.drawNow(varargin{:});end if nargout == 0, clear binId; end

Then I plot again with the hist(grains,grains.equivalentRadius);, this time when I change the label and title, they are inside the figure box. It seems this line 75 fix the figure position, or sth like this.. Screenshot from 2024-03-27 21-52-16

I don't know the exact reason of this line but it seems that it create some issues for changing the label. Just for discussion..


MaynotbeGarychan commented 3 months ago

I have solved this problem. by just using hist(grains.equivalentRadius);

This issue can be deleted...