mtex-toolbox / mtex

MTEX is a free Matlab toolbox for quantitative texture analysis. Homepage:
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New feature request - for 3D plots of physical properties to have radius vector to be the velocity or other physical property #379

Open DavidMainprice opened 5 years ago

DavidMainprice commented 5 years ago

Matlab R2016b Mac OS - my students use this plot the until some switched MTEX5 Some have stayed with MTEX4 !

%** % % Revised 2/10/2017 by David Mainprice % Tested with MTEX 4.5.1 % %** %% Clear memory and close all plots clear all close all %% import MTEX example data set mtexdata forsterite % % correct EBSD spatial coordinates % % rotate only the spatial data about the z-axis ebsd = rotate(ebsd,180degree,'keepEuler') % rotate only the spatial data about the y-axis ebsd = rotate(ebsd,rotation('axis',yvector,'angle',180degree),'keepEuler') % plot X to East plotx2east % plotting convention setMTEXpref('xAxisDirection','east'); setMTEXpref('zAxisDirection','outOfPlane'); % Disactive the automatic MTEX pole figure annotations for sample axes with % predefined X,Y,Z sample axes that may not be appropriate for your sample setMTEXpref('pfAnnotations',@(varargin) 1); %% %** % ODF with default kernel de la Vallee Poussin %** ODF_Fo = calcODF(ebsd('Forsterite').orientations,'halfwidth',10*degree)

PFs_Fo_uvw = [ ... Miller(1,0,0,ebsd('Forsterite').CS,'uvw','Forsterite'), ... Miller(0,1,0,ebsd('Forsterite').CS,'uvw','Forsterite'), ... Miller(0,0,1,ebsd('Forsterite').CS,'uvw','Forsterite'), ... ] %** %% Double smooth color and overlaid white contours polefigure plot %** % plot smooth color map close all figure plotPDF(ODF_Fo,PFs_Fo_uvw,'lower','antipodal','resolution',1degree); % add single mtexColorbar for all pole figures CLim(gcm,'equal'); % mtexColorbar for all pole figures mtexColorbar('Title','x uniform') hold on % plot white contours plotPDF(ODF_Fo,PFs_Fo_uvw,'contour','lower','antipodal','linecolor','w','linewidth',1,'resolution',1degree); hold off % add labels for X,Y and Z sample directions on PFs annotate([xvector,yvector,-zvector],'label',{'X','Y','Z'},'backgroundcolor','w','MarkerSize',15,'FontSize',20) % Flush event queue - gives more accurate result near edges of plot drawNow(gcm,'figSize','small') % file name %saveFigure(plotfilename)

all the best David

ralfHielscher commented 5 years ago

Hi David,

just to be sure the code you have included in the comment has nothing to do with the actual feature request. Maybe you copy and paste the wrong code? Could you describe what you want in more detail?
