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error in calcDensity and #580

Open AlexG90 opened 3 years ago

AlexG90 commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have some issues regarding the calcDensity function applied on ebsd/acom data : odf = calcDensity(ped('Si').orientations)

I was previously using the calcODF function and plot inverse pole figures: odf = calcODF(ped('Si').orientations,'halfwidth',5*degree); plotIPDF(odf,zvector,'antipodal');

Error: Invalid MEX-file '/home/valerya/Documents/MATLAB/mtex-5.4.0/extern/nfft/nfsoftmex.mexa64': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Error in unimodalComponent/calcFourier>gcA2fourier (line 65) plan = nfsoftmex('init',length(A)-1,length(g),nfsoft_flags,0,4,1000,2ceil(1.5(length(A)+1)));

Error in unimodalComponent/calcFourier (line 29) f_hat = gcA2fourier(g,c,A);

Error in ODF/calcFourier (line 28) hat = calcFourier(odf.components{i},L,varargin{:});

Error in ODF/FourierODF (line 28) f_hat = calcFourier(odf,varargin{:});

Error in orientation/calcFourierODF (line 54) odf = FourierODF(odf,get_option(varargin,{'L','bandwidth','fourier'},L,'double'));

Error in orientation/calcDensity (line 71) odf = calcFourierODF(ori,varargin{:},'kernel',psi);

Error in untitled (line 7) odf = calcDensity(ped_c('indexed').orientations)

I am using MTEX 5.4.0, on a Linux version 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18)

Any ideas on the issue?

All the best, Alexia

kilir commented 3 years ago

Hi, have a look here: Your glibc does not have libmvec support. You can either build nfft yourself or use a slightly more modern distribution.

Cheers, Rüdiger