mtfuller / os-team-project

This is the main repository for the OS Team Project for CS 3502.
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OS Module - Modification #38

Closed mtfuller closed 7 years ago

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

Modify the OS Module to do the following:


ghost commented 7 years ago

Just to update - I'm sorry for the delay. I've pushed my latest updates to my particular branch. On the "Modifications" document on the shared Google Drive, I've crossed out the items I've completed. I wasn't able to test anything, because the copies of the CPU module items I have don't jive with the new paged memory items.

Here's what I've completed:

I did change two items of William's Disk() - I know we talked about this the other day at school, but when writing to Disk, it was easier for me within the Loader class to write to Disk instruction by instruction, instead of passing in a written Page. So I commented out his method to write to Disk and wrote a new method that allowed me to do that. If this causes trouble for any other part of the program, let me know and I will figure out how to write to Disk page by page.

I also added a "nextFreePage" pointer to Disk, which does what it sounds like - points the Loader to the next clean page to write on. This was the only way I could figure out how to make sure no two jobs share a page in Disk.

I still have the STS, Kernel, and Page Manager to complete, and I hope to have those done by Sunday afternoon at the latest. I will be available online all week, except for Tuesday and Friday, when I'll be traveling to/from Memphis. Otherwise, I can meet up in person next weekend either day or for a Google hangout any day at all.

Let me know if anyone runs into trouble with my code - like I said, nothing's been tested, so fingers crossed! :)

ghost commented 7 years ago

I'm able to test my classes now. I will update my branch's README as I progress.

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Sounds great.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Just to clarify - I know we've covered this process many times, but I want to make sure I understand, starting from the ShortTermScheduler.

Is that correct? If so, here are some questions:

mtfuller commented 7 years ago


How can I determine the interrupt type (page fault or I/O), or will the CPU move the job to the appropriate queue in the Kernel?

I don't believe you will need to know the interrupt type. I've written the CPU to determine the interrupt type, and then place the PCB in appropriate queue. The DMA-Channel, which is now a Thread, will work to meet each I/O Request, moving data from RAM to the Cache, in the "I/O Queue"

Who actually writes the job's instructions to RAM after an interrupt? Is it the PageManager, or does the LongTermScheduler wake up and do it? And is it only one page at a time?

I had in mind that the PageManager would work through the "Page Fault queue", bringing the needed frames into RAM. I was thinking the PageManager could do this in a Java Thread, like the DMA-Channel. And I believe we are only to bring in one page at a time.

When a job is complete (all lines processed by the CPU), how can we let RAM or whoever know that those particular pages in RAM can be overwritten?

I thought that when a process is terminated, we could go through the PCB's Page Table and add those as "Free Frames" in the Free Frame pool in the Paging System. Perhaps, the Paging System could have a "Free Frame List" that could hold all the indexes of frames that could be used for a Page from disk.


I think the process you wrote down sounds correct. I would only add that the Page Manager and DMA-Channel are working through every PCB that winds up on the I/O Queue or Page Fault Queue.

Does this answer your questions? Anything sound unclear? Do you feel like we need to set up a video chat to discus some of these issues?


ghost commented 7 years ago

No need for a video chat, this is great - thank you for the info! So I guess there should be a while loop in the PageManager that just constantly checks to see if anything's in the page fault queue? And if there is, it should bring one page of that particular job's instructions, is that right?

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

That is what I had in mind. Let me know if you have a better idea. I felt like the Page Manager could extend the Java Thread class, in order to run that while loop outside of the STS's execution. I would think it would be very similar logic to my DMA-Channel class from my Phase 2 branch. Does that make sense?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Yes, will work on that now - thanks again!

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

No prob! I'm trying to get the CPU finished up. Almost ready to start testing. GO TEAM!!!

ghost commented 7 years ago

I've updated my README. I only have the STS to complete now but have run into a problem with the findCpu() method. PageManager() is complete.

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

Great, I'm still getting some of the Test Classes for CPU and OS Modules worked out

mtfuller commented 7 years ago

I think that the OS module is finished. I think we just need to tweak some modules here and there in order to get the 4 CPUs to work together. Will close this until further notice.