mtgjson / mtgjson4_temporary

MTGJSON version 4
2 stars 4 forks source link

Implement source? #43

Open ZeldaZach opened 7 years ago

ZeldaZach commented 7 years ago

Do we want where the card came from for promos and such?

dgant commented 7 years ago

I love MTGJSON's coverage of promo cards. Generally, any data that MTGJSON includes, I'll find a use for, and promo card source would be no exception. Here are some of the ways that ComboDeck uses or would like to use promo card data:

For example, suppose you're pulling prices for a card from several stores (like the TCGPlayer or MKM price APIs), etc. Most of the time, you can match their card+set names straight from the MTGJSON data. Sometimes, you have to make some small adjustments (like "Commander" instead of "Magic: the Gathering: Commander").

But their categorization of promo cards often differs greatly from each other and from MTGJSON. Compare ("15th Anniversary") to ("DCI Promos") to ("Pro Tour Promos").

In that example, knowing that this Char is both a Pro Tour card, as well as specifically for the 15th Anniversary, would make it easier to construct rules to match this MTGJSON printing to other data sources.

I know there's tons to do and this is likely a low priority. Just wanted to shine some light on why MTGJSON consumers might find this information useful!

Psithief commented 7 years ago

Source as an array of one or more strings?

xiapoy commented 7 years ago

I confirm you that if we had every mtgjsonSetName matching a mkmSetName, this would remarkably improve the matching ratio between the 2 sources. Currently, 70 mtgjsonSetName have no mkmSetName equivalent. Original work on this issue was made by @florentdouine (see: I guess that for 70 missing values, we can analyze them and update manually.