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Select deck list is empty (for my account only) #7341

Open jypma opened 5 months ago

jypma commented 5 months ago

I have several Standard-legal decks in my account (they show as legal in the deck editor). Yet, when creating a new Standard game, the list of decks to select from is always empty.

Screenshot from 2024-03-27 13-26-43

When creating a Casual game, some decks do show up.

This might be related to my account; logging into a different account does show decks.

NoahTheDuke commented 5 months ago

Sometimes, the deckbuilder and the selection box get out of sync. It's possible that they were legal when last saved but now are not legal, which the box double checks. Try opening and saving the desired decks, to see if that changes their legality and thus their availability in the deck selection box.

jypma commented 5 months ago

Opening and re-saving make no difference. In fact, pasting the same decklist into a different account makes it show just fine, on the same computer and browser.

For completion, this is the decklist (Padma):

3 DZMZ Optimizer
1 Burner
3 Sure Gamble
3 Creative Commission
2 K2CP Turbine
2 Ghosttongue
2 Orca
2 Gordian Blade
1 Trick Shot
2 Marrow
2 Telework Contract
1 Begemot
3 Stoneship Chart Room
2 Hippocampic Mechanocytes
2 Cataloguer
1 Laamb
2 AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.)
3 Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ
3 Self-modifying Code
2 Coalescence
1 Flip Switch
2 Into the Depths
3 Spark of Inspiration

(using Firefox 123.0 on Arch linux)

doomrat commented 5 months ago

I've seen this before when making a smurf. Only happens when you create a game. Decklists appear appropriately when joining other peoples games. No amount of refreshing resolves the issue. I'm not sure its legality related. (Happens in both chrome and edge also, so it's also probably not browser related).

Edited to Add: Made a new account just to test. Got the same bug. Only affects standard. Startup and Casual decks seem to load fine.

NoahTheDuke commented 5 months ago

What the hell. Can y'all open the dev console and paste any errors you see in here? This has got to be a bug somewhere.

doomrat commented 5 months ago


Nothing that looks particularly interesting to me, but I also don't know what any of this means.

jypma commented 5 months ago

I also didn't spot anything in the console when I checked earlier. I can run some more tests, but will be away traveling until next week.

NoahTheDuke commented 5 months ago

Yeah, no errors. Wtf

doomrat commented 4 months ago

OK, circled back to this because I was interested (and definitely not because I was smurfing for continentals season). After experimenting a bit, found out that:

xdg commented 3 months ago

I have an account I use for oracle-ing for Brandon so I can keep those decks/stats/replays separate from my personal account. I'd like to be able to create games with it instead of only joining games. What more could we do to investigate this bug?

I will say that I've tried all manner of variations of logging in and out, creating new decks, clearing cookies, clearing cache, etc. Sometimes the problem goes away, but after logging out and back in sometimes it reoccurs. And I've seen the problem in both Firefox and Chrome.

jypma commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately no further news from here either. Creating a new account also had the problem crop up again, and deleting storage/cookies did not fix it.

xdg commented 3 months ago

For the devs: are there server-side logs that would be helpful figuring out what happens in this situation? Or could you pull the database records for the accounts with problems to look for anomalies there?

xdg commented 3 months ago

I've been told of a fix and my initial tests seem to confirm it works. In the Settings page, change the format (e.g. to "Startup"), save profile, reload browser, change format back to "Standard", save profile, reload browser.