mthcht / Purpleteam

Purpleteam scripts simulation & Detection - trigger events for SOC detections
144 stars 15 forks source link

purpleteam creation #1

Open mthcht opened 1 year ago

mthcht commented 1 year ago

Initial issue for addition, notes and updates

mthcht commented 1 year ago
mthcht commented 1 year ago
mthcht commented 1 year ago
mthcht commented 1 year ago

quick work in progress, note to remember:

mthcht commented 1 year ago

normalization: Start-Transcript -Path "$env:tmp\simulation_traces.log" -Append -Force -Verbose Stop-Transcript -Verbose $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest * -UseBasicParsing -Verbose -UserAgent purpleteam [Error] (Red) [Info] (Cyan) [Warning] (Yellow) [Sucess] (Green) in catch: Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`n[Erorr] Exception: $_"

mthcht commented 1 year ago
mthcht commented 1 year ago