mthcht / ThreatHunting-Keywords

Awesome list of keywords and artifacts for Threat Hunting sessions
434 stars 52 forks source link

Cam hacker #24

Closed Harsha9912 closed 1 month ago

Harsha9912 commented 1 month ago

If you want me to add keywords for a tool to the list use this template:

Tool Name


Provide the name of the tool

Link to Official Website/Source Code (if available):


Please provide a link to the tool's website or source code repository (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) or a link to a documentation (if available)

Tool Description (if known)


Please provide a description of the tool, its purpose, how it works, and its main features if you know the tool, if not, i can check it out.

Known Use by malicious actors (if applicable):


Please provide information on any known instances where the tool was used by malicious actors or how the tool could potentially be misused by malicious actors

Tool Category (if known)

Please select one of the following categories for the tool:

Note: Submissions will be reviewed for relevance and potential misuse, i will make a list of relevant keywords for detection based on the tool code and documentation and test each of them for false positives on large datasets of multiple environments (300GB-1TB/day) before being added to the list.

I will decide if a tool is worth being added to the list, a tool that is widely recognized and extensively utilized within the community stands a better chance of inclusion compared to an unfamiliar or obscure new tool.

mthcht commented 1 month ago

hello @Harsha9912 can you provide a link to the tool ?