mtheall / ftpd

FTP Server for 3DS/Switch
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.34k stars 132 forks source link

Question: how does ftpd determine that the STORed filed transfer is over? #167

Open FerdinandoPH opened 1 year ago

FerdinandoPH commented 1 year ago

I'm programming an FTP client for the 3ds. When I try to send a file to the server with STOR, and the file transfer is finished, I close the data port, but then I get an error [ERROR] recv: Connection reset by peer instead of the 226 command. I've tried delaying the closure of the data port, but with no luck. How am I supposed to tell ftpd that the STOR data transfer is overd? I'm using ftpd 3.1.0 (not classic) on a new 3ds (3dsx, rosalina 2.4.1)

mtheall commented 1 year ago

Are you sure you closed only the data port and not the command port?

FerdinandoPH commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure. Here is the code (Lua):

    function sendData(data)      
        if data_skt == nil then
            error("An error occurred during data sending.")
        return Socket.send(data_skt, data)

    function openDataSocket()
    consoleWrite("Opening data channel on port " ..data_port.. "...\n")
    data_skt = Socket.connect(ip, data_port, is_ssl)

    function closeDataSocket()
        data_skt = nil


   function storeFile(filename)
    sendResponsiveCommand("TYPE", "I")
    sendCommand("STOR", filename)
    consoleWrite("Transfering " .. filename .. "...\n")
    input =,FREAD)
    local filesize = io.size(input)
    local i = 0
    while i < filesize do
        packet_size = math.min(524288,filesize-i)
        i = i + sendData(,i,packet_size))
        consoleWrite("Transfer complete, now closing data socket on port " .. data_port .. "...\n")
    need_refresh = true

I've noticed that ftpd sends a 226 message when the transmission is over when I use FileZilla. Looking at the source code (specifically at ftpSession.cpp), I've noticed that that message is supposed to be sent when the buffer is 0. Maybe it has something to do with that?

mtheall commented 1 year ago

Yes, once you close the data socket then server side will get a read of zero which marks the end of the data transfer, which the server will then send the 226 response. Can you show the logs of your transfer?

FerdinandoPH commented 1 year ago

These are the logs of my client (1st) and ftpd (2nd)

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-04 at 23 35 45 (1)

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-04 at 23 35 45