Currently the docs still showing support for package includes, but that is no longer the supported format and should use package patterns instead any way to move to supporting this?
Here is the error output recieved when attempting to use package patterns instead of include exclude
Environment: darwin, node 18.3.0, framework 3.19.0 (local) 3.18.1v (global), plugin 6.2.2, SDK 4.3.2
TypeError: Patterns must be a string or an array of strings
at assertPatternsInput (/Users/cturner/
at generateGlobTasks (/Users/cturner/
at module.exports (/Users/cturner/
at Package.resolveFilePathsFromPatterns (/Users/cturner/
at Package.resolveFilePathsFunction (/Users/cturner/
at async Package.packageFunction (/Users/cturner/
at async /Users/cturner/
at async Promise.all (index 2)
at async Package.packageService (/Users/cturner/
Currently the docs still showing support for package includes, but that is no longer the supported format and should use package patterns instead any way to move to supporting this?
Here is the error output recieved when attempting to use package patterns instead of include exclude