mtherien / slntools

Solution Tools for Visual Studio - manages solution files
MIT License
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When trying to Merge or Compare to files I get an error when processing the second solution file. #3

Open mtherien opened 6 years ago

mtherien commented 6 years ago

Here is the message I get:   "CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFileException: Invalid value for the property 'SccProjectUniqueName93' of the global section 'TeamFoundationVersionControl'.\nFound: Suite\UI\WebControls\WCSFControls\WCSFControls.csproj\nExpected: A value equal to the field 'RelativePath' of one of the projects in the solution.\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFileReader.HandleVersionControlLines(String name, String type, String step, List`1 propertyLines) in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll\SolutionFileReader.cs:line 374\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFileReader.ReadGlobalSection(String firstLine) in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll\SolutionFileReader.cs:line 238\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFileReader.ReadGlobal() in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll\Soluti onFileReader.cs:line 168\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFileReader.ReadSolutionFile() in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll\SolutionFileReader.cs:line 75\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFile.FromFile(String solutionFullPath) in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll\SolutionFile.cs:line 39\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.CompareSolutionsCommand.Run(String[] args, MessageBoxErrorReporter reporter) in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\SLNTools.exe\CompareSolutionsCommand.cs:line 56\r\n at CWDev.SLNTools.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\f kent\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SLN Tool\Main\SLNTools.exe\Program.cs:line 114"   I am beginning to debug this but any known issues/ fixes would be great.

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CodePlex work item ID: '4625' Vote count: '1'

mtherien commented 6 years ago

[Kfehriba@6/10/2010] Found the issue. There were some artifacts left from previous bad merges where the Global definition of the project, i.e. SccProjectNameX SccProjetPathX etc., but the actual Project definition did not exist. Deleting the artifacts resolved the issue. A fix would be to ignore these definitions if found.

mtherien commented 6 years ago
