I realized that I don't have a 'real' way to contact you without using Skype. (Didn't find your Email)
We could write a more or less full library to use with pixi and howler for the next ld to save time. It is allowed as we always compete in the jam.
We could also change language to something like c/c++ using OpenFrameworks or GLFW.
The prior looks promising, and I always wanted to have a reason to use c++ in a ludum dare.
Hey @LFalch,
I realized that I don't have a 'real' way to contact you without using Skype. (Didn't find your Email) We could write a more or less full library to use with pixi and howler for the next ld to save time. It is allowed as we always compete in the jam.
We could also change language to something like c/c++ using OpenFrameworks or GLFW. The prior looks promising, and I always wanted to have a reason to use c++ in a ludum dare.
Would like to hear your opinion on the matter
~ mtib