mtierltd / timetracker

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Time Tracker 0.0.47: integrity check fails #77

Closed AlterDepp closed 3 years ago

AlterDepp commented 3 years ago

Technical information

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix them.


Raw output

Array ( [timetracker] => Array ( [FILE_MISSING] => Array ( [vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes] => Array ( [expected] => 66ca641a348a43ff13dc52eb690674319332d7eef2fc3dd03a3e1dad66c6375a2c6146e964591dd557d880cf89bedb10c4dd188b43582de7e96108028a541f54 [current] => )

                [vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore] => Array
                        [expected] => 7d6549d89864e9e1bea932f5624fd47df94594cc7d9cbf14ee18e217d63b839e8deba49024a4e6b899f906b58759540b29ac4dcb13af491a2a38477be4190c9b
                        [current] => 




wm-lowe commented 3 years ago

Timetracker 0.0.48 I have the same issue. I ran a check before upgrading from 20.0.4 with out a problem. Then after the upgrade to 20.0.5 completed, I, again ran a security check. it showed these two files missing.

Technical information

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix them.


Raw output

Array ( [timetracker] => Array ( [FILE_MISSING] => Array ( [vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes] => Array ( [expected] => 66ca641a348a43ff13dc52eb690674319332d7eef2fc3dd03a3e1dad66c6375a2c6146e964591dd557d880cf89bedb10c4dd188b43582de7e96108028a541f54 [current] => )

                [vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore] => Array
                        [expected] => 7d6549d89864e9e1bea932f5624fd47df94594cc7d9cbf14ee18e217d63b839e8deba49024a4e6b899f906b58759540b29ac4dcb13af491a2a38477be4190c9b
                        [current] => 




laarisyko commented 3 years ago

I get the exact same error with the same Nextcloud version. Is this issue critical of the App or Nextcloud? I have removed the app from my Nextcloud instance, but it still shows this error. What coudl be the reason for this?

31SFX4 commented 3 years ago

I get the same integrity check warning.

@laarisyko I'm not one of the developers, but I would say this error can be ignored. The files that are shown as missing are not files that carry any functionality in timetracker, but are config files for the repository which are only used by the developers. So presumably it's correct that they are not contained in the package on the app store, but their names got somehow listed in the integrity check.

31SFX4 commented 3 years ago

In 0.0.48, only one file (.gitattributes) fails the check now

Technical information

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix them.


Raw output

Array ( [timetracker] => Array ( [FILE_MISSING] => Array ( [vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes] => Array ( [expected] => 66ca641a348a43ff13dc52eb690674319332d7eef2fc3dd03a3e1dad66c6375a2c6146e964591dd557d880cf89bedb10c4dd188b43582de7e96108028a541f54 [current] => )




wm-lowe commented 3 years ago

I just upgraded to 0.0.49 and still show both files missing on Nextcloud 20.0.5 integrity check.

AlterDepp commented 3 years ago

Still fails on 0.0.50

pongraczi commented 3 years ago

The issue with NC 20.0.5 + TT 0.0.50 still exists.

- timetracker
        - vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes
        - vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore

Raw output
    [timetracker] => Array
            [FILE_MISSING] => Array
                    [vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes] => Array
                            [expected] => 66ca641a348a43ff13dc52eb690674319332d7eef2fc3dd03a3e1dad66c6375a2c6146e964591dd557d880cf89bedb10c4dd188b43582de7e96108028a541f54
                            [current] => 

                    [vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore] => Array
                            [expected] => 7d6549d89864e9e1bea932f5624fd47df94594cc7d9cbf14ee18e217d63b839e8deba49024a4e6b899f906b58759540b29ac4dcb13af491a2a38477be4190c9b
                            [current] => 



31SFX4 commented 3 years ago

Seems to be ok in 0.0.52

AlterDepp commented 3 years ago

Version 0.0.53 still fails.

rnagy commented 3 years ago

No, it does not.

$ php-7.3 occ app:install timetracker
timetracker 0.0.53 installed
timetracker enabled
$ php-7.3 occ integrity:check-app --path apps/timetracker -- timetracker                                                                                                                                                                 
$ echo $?
pongraczi commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I just upgraded to 0.0.53 with NC 20.0., the message still exists here.

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- timetracker
        - vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes
        - vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore

Raw output
    [timetracker] => Array
            [FILE_MISSING] => Array
                    [vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes] => Array
                            [expected] => 66ca641a348a43ff13dc52eb690674319332d7eef2fc3dd03a3e1dad66c6375a2c6146e964591dd557d880cf89bedb10c4dd188b43582de7e96108028a541f54
                            [current] => 

                    [vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore] => Array
                            [expected] => 7d6549d89864e9e1bea932f5624fd47df94594cc7d9cbf14ee18e217d63b839e8deba49024a4e6b899f906b58759540b29ac4dcb13af491a2a38477be4190c9b
                            [current] => 

It is not a brand new installation as yours, but a continuously upgraded system.

Just for the record, I copied my result for the same check command you used:

# php7.3 occ integrity:check-app --path apps/timetracker -- timetracker 
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'BackupService' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) in /path_to_nextcloud/apps/passwords/lib/Command/BackupCreateCommand.php:28
Stack trace:
#0 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/composer/composer/ClassLoader.php(322): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('/var/www/xxxx.x...')
#1 [internal function]: Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#2 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#3 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Utility/SimpleContainer.php(107): ReflectionClass->__construct('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#4 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Utility/SimpleContainer.php(126): OC\AppFramework\Utility\SimpleContainer->resolve('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#5 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/DependencyInjection/DIContainer.php(455): OC\AppFramework\Utility\SimpleContainer->query('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#6 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/ServerContainer.php(140): OC\AppFramework\DependencyInjection\DIContainer->queryNoFallback('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#7 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/Console/Application.php(221): OC\ServerContainer->query('OCA\\Passwords\\C...')
#8 /path_to_nextcloud/lib/private/Console/Application.php(136): OC\Console\Application->loadCommandsFromInfoXml(Array)
#9 /path_to_nextcloud/console.php(99): OC\Console\Application->loadCommands(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#10 /path_to_nextcloud/occ(11): require_once('/var/www/xxxx...')
#11 {main}root@hal9001:/var/www/

~~It seems the brand new installation and an upgraded system behave differently. ~~

UPDATE: Latest passwords is not compatible with the system yet.

pongraczi commented 3 years ago

After upgrading NC from 20.0.5 to 20.0.6 the original problem is gone (FILE_MISSING: - vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator/.gitattributes and - vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/.gitignore)