Closed NailouZhang closed 1 year ago
Hi Nailou,
Thank you for opening this issue. I notice that you are using a version of Cenote-Taker 2
that uses thekronatools
commands. The newest version of Cenote-Taker 2
(v2.1.5) uses taxonkit
instead which solves most/all of these errors. Is it possible for you to update to v2.1.5? If you need to use the older version (that you are currently on) for reproducibilty purposes, I can look closer at your issue.
Let me know,
Hi Mike,
I install Cenote-Taker 2 (v2.1.5) with git clone --recursive I check the difference between and, I think this led to this issue.
"" ktClassifyBLAST -o '${circle%.rotate.fasta} ${circle%.rotate.fasta}.blastn_intraspecific.out >/dev/null 2>&1 taxid=$( grep -v "qname" ${circle%.rotate.fasta} | tail -n+2 | head -n1 | cut -f2 ) ""
# in here tname->taxid->ORGANISM_H. "tname" in ${circle%.rotate.fasta}.blastn_intraspecific.out "taxid" in ${circle%.rotate.fasta} #
# in here tname->ORGANISM_H->taxid. ORGANISM_H=$( head -n2 ${circle%.rotate.fasta}.blastn_intraspecific.out | tail -n1 | sed 's/[/&\n/;s/.\n//;s/]/\n&/;s/\n.//' ) taxid=$( grep " | ${ORGANISM_H} | " ${CENOTE_DBS}/taxdump/names.dmp | head -n1 | cut -f1 ) #
Hi Mike,
It works well with But some known viruses (e.g. SARS-Cov2) were input into Cenote-Taker2 for validation, but show no high coverage hits.
hi Mike,
I met the same as Issue #22. I install krona with mamba. Then I successfully updated the Kron database using the following code.
KRONA_DIR=$( which python | sed 's/bin\/python/opt\/krona/g' ) cd ${KRONA_DIR} ./ cd ${KRONA_DIR} ./
the blast result is always "no high coverage hits" when I used known virus download from NCBI (e.g. ZIKV, sars-cov2, TBEV).
My command python --run_title ZNLtest -c testVirus.fasta -m 260 -t 45 -p False -db standard -am True --molecule_type RNA --known_strains blast_knowns --blastn_db ~/nt/nt --minimum_length_linear 1000 --lin_minimum_hallmark_genes 1 -hh hhsearch --hallmark_taxonomy True
ktClassifyBLAST -o ZNLtest3.blastn_intraspecific.out Loading taxonomy... Classifying ZNLtest3.blastn_intraspecific.out... [ WARNING ] "ZNLtest3.blastn_intraspecific.out" had e-values of 0. Approximated log[10] of 0 as -450. [ WARNING ] The following accessions look strange and may yield erroneous results. Please check if they are acual valid NCBI accessions: tname [ WARNING ] The following accessions were not found in the local database (if they were recently added to NCBI, use to update the local database): tname Writing
To import, run: ktImportTaxonomy # This can also work well
How can I resolve this issue?