mtisza1 / Cenote-Taker3

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Allow User to Set Custom E-value Threshold and Include E-value in Summary Table Description: #12

Open konstytucja opened 5 months ago

konstytucja commented 5 months ago

It would be beneficial for users to have the ability to manually set the E-value threshold. Currently, I think it is arbitrarily set to 10^-3 in the code. Additionally, I believe it would be valuable to include information about these E-value thresholds in the final_genes_to_contigs_annotation_summary.tsv table.


mtisza1 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for opening this issue.

There are actually different e-values for different databases, to align with the best sensitivity/specificity for each. I'm somewhat against allowing users to modify so that results are consistent. But your point is taken that this could be documented. I'll plan to add this somewhere.