mtisza1 / DNA_methylase_finder

Find Prokaryotic DNA methylase genes in proteins, contigs, or genomes
MIT License
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No such file or directory errors #1

Open jim-decatur opened 1 month ago

jim-decatur commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for this.

I'm running this on a bunch of *.faa files using this command:

for input_file in "$input_directory"/*.faa; do
    if [[ -f "$input_file" ]]; then
        filename=$(basename "$input_file")

        python "$script_path" \
            --input_type AA \
            --input_file "$input_file" \
            --run_title "$run_title" \
            --cpu 20 \
            --neighborhoods FALSE \
            --merge FALSE

        echo "Processed '$input_file' with run title '$run_title'"

But I can't seem to get it to work. I followed the installation instructions and everything seemed to be fine. Here's the log:

DNA Methylase Finder!
Version 1.0.1
A seemingly good .faa file found. Continuing
Step 1. Splitting AA file for parallelization -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
Step 2. Querying input AA seqs against DNA methylase HMMs -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
cat: 'SPLIT_INPUT_AA_*.hmmscan.out': No such file or directory
found some preimlinary hits
Preliminary_DNA_methylase_calls1.trimmed_to_hit.faa not found
Done finding DNA methylases.
Step 4. Looking for adjacent DNA methylase gene fragments to combine into 1 gene -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
You chose AA input, so fragments will not be joined
cp: cannot stat '1002319__maxbin2__High.005.DNA_methylases.final_prediction.faa': No such file or directory
Step 5.  Guessing (low confidence) motif specificity and subtype of putative methylases -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
Combined Predicted Methylase .faa file not found.
Step 6.  Making summary table -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
not all files required for summary table found.
##### Done with all tasks #####
See output at: 1002319__maxbin2__High.005
End time -- 05-28-24---07:48:18
bioawk found
hmmscan found
blastp found
prodigal found
Biopython found
BCBio found
numpy found
Processed '/prodigal_aa_newheader_noduplicates/1002319__maxbin2__High.005.faa' with run title '1002319__maxbin2__High.005'

Thanks for your help.

mtisza1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey Jim,

Thanks for opening the issue.

I haven't put as much care into this tool as it deserves. Looks like there is some faulty logic in cases when no preliminary hits are found. It should exit, but it doesn't. So, I imagine there are no hits in your .faa files that return this error.

I just uploaded a small test file to:

Can you confirm that the tool runs on the test data and generates the expected *DNA_methylases.combined.summary.tsv and *DNA_methylases.final_prediction.faa