mtkennerly / dunamai

Dynamic versioning library and CLI
MIT License
312 stars 24 forks source link

Always assumes repo is tagged using SemVer #21

Closed yajo closed 2 years ago

yajo commented 2 years ago

See this session:

❯ git init .

❯ touch a

❯ git add -A

❯ git commit -amwip
[master (commit-raíz) dfbff1f] wip
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 a

❯ git tag v1

❯ dunamai from git --style pep440
Pattern '(?x)                                                (?# ignore whitespace)
    ^v(?P<base>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)                           (?# v1.2.3)
    (-?((?P<stage>[a-zA-Z]+)\.?(?P<revision>\d+)?))?    (?# b0)
    (\+(?P<tagged_metadata>.+))?$                       (?# +linux)' did not match any tags from ['v1']

It seems that even when I add --style pep440 to the command, dunamai only tries to find tags formatted with semver, because it's using this regexp:

With that regexp for example, these tags would fail:

So I think that it should:

  1. prefix v be optional
  2. add a specific regex for each versioning system

As a workaround, there's the possibility to pass a custom pattern if running from python:

yajo commented 2 years ago

I found this, that should help to know what makes a string parseable into pep440:

mtkennerly commented 2 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the late response, and thanks for pointing this out. I'll definitely relax ^v(?P<base>\d+\.\d+\.\d+) to ^v(?P<base>\d+(\.\d+)*), since that was an oversight. The v prefix was a conscious decision, though, to avoid false positives from things like ticket ID-based tags, so I would consider that a backwards-incompatible change. I think the pattern should be general enough so that it doesn't need different defaults for different versioning systems, but I would be open to adding extra defaults if there's a clear need.

As a workaround, there's the possibility to pass a custom pattern if running from python:

For reference, this is also available from the command line as --pattern.

mtkennerly commented 2 years ago

This is now fixed in 1.6.0.