mtkennerly / poetry-dynamic-versioning

Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags
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Dynamic versioning via Github tags seems broken as of 0.24.0 #136

Closed agoblet closed 11 months ago

agoblet commented 11 months ago

Dynamic versioning via Github tags seems broken as of 0.24.0. The package seems to fall back on the previous tag and ignore the new tag. We ran various combinations of tags and poetry-dynamic-versioning / dunamai versions in the past weeks, without changing anything else in our setup:

poetry-dynamic-versioning version dunamai version tag on github version built by poetry working
0.23.0 1.17.0 v0.6.5dev1 0.6.5dev1 yes
0.24.0 1.17.0 v0.7.6 0.7.6 yes
0.25.0 1.18.0 v0.7.7 0.7.6 no
0.25.0 1.18.0 v0.7.7dev 0.7.6 no
0.25.0 1.18.0 v0.7.7dev1 0.7.6 no
0.24.0 1.18.0 v0.7.7dev1 0.7.6 no
0.24.0 1.17.0 v0.7.7dev2 0.7.6 no
0.23.0 1.17.0 v0.7.7dev3 0.7.7dev3 yes

Is this intended behavior? Did something change about the version patterns by any chance? For now we are pinning to 0.23.0 / 1.17.0 to be safe.

mtkennerly commented 11 months ago

Hi! That's definitely not intentional, but none of the changes should have that effect. Certainly no change to the default tag pattern.

I do see that you have two rows for 0.24.0 + 1.17.0, where one worked and one didn't. That makes it seem like something else is going on.

Some questions:

agoblet commented 11 months ago

Hi there, thanks for the quick reply!

I do see that you have two rows for 0.24.0 + 1.17.0, where one worked and one didn't. That makes it seem like something else is going on.

Yes that is indeed strange, that definitely needs more investigation. The only thing that seemed to be changed over the past weeks in our workflow was the dynamic versioning version (it would always use the latest). I'll run some more experiments to get more clarity on this.

Regarding your questions:

agoblet commented 11 months ago

Did another run with the latest versions of poetry-dynamic-versioning and dunamai and that worked just fine. So likely something else is going on here indeed. Maybe something caching related in github workflows. Downgrading your packages was probably a coincidental fix. Will close this issue, thanks for you help and sorry for the false alarm 😬

mtkennerly commented 11 months ago

No worries! If the release process is parallelized, maybe there's a race condition between creating the tag and running the versioning step?

agoblet commented 11 months ago

that could be the case, since the workflow is triggered on release rather than on tag-push