mtmsuhail / ESC-POS-USB-NET

This project is a simple .NET (C#) Implementation of the Epson ESC/POS Printing using USB Device Driver.
MIT License
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Number of Columns #33

Open AnthonySandbak opened 3 years ago

AnthonySandbak commented 3 years ago

Metapace printers only print on 43 columns. It would be nice if this could setup, so that "printer.Separator();" would work. Maybe specify non-default columns like "printer.Separator(43);"

susilon commented 3 years ago

Hi, I forked this project and change the 'Cols' variables into ReadWrite with default value of existing value, so i can change the columns value, like 'printer.ColsNomal = 32;'

but it must changed also individually to the ColsCondesed an ColsExpanded value, so :

printer.ColsNomal = 32; printer.ColsCondensed = 42; printer.ColsExpanded = 16;

now I can print separator correctly, so a pull request may close this issue.