Unable to edit setting files or add plugins to folder due to folders being locked to dockergroup and dockeruser ID 9001:9001.
I can add them using root access but that seems ridiculous when adding plugins jars and editing setting files.
Adding -e PUID=99 -e PGID=100 to the docker run command to set ownership and group to nobody and users brings up an error of addgroup: The GID 100' is already in use.
Unable to edit setting files or add plugins to folder due to folders being locked to dockergroup and dockeruser ID 9001:9001. I can add them using root access but that seems ridiculous when adding plugins jars and editing setting files. Adding
-e PUID=99 -e PGID=100
to the docker run command to set ownership and group to nobody and users brings up an error ofaddgroup: The GID 100' is already in use.
Not sure what the best practice here is.