mtongnz / ESP8266_ArtNetNode_v2

ESP8266 based WiFi ArtNet to DMX, RDM and LED Pixels
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NodeMCU resets wifisettings after power cycle #119

Open Cysign opened 4 years ago

Cysign commented 4 years ago

Hey fellows, I'm trying to get an NodeMCU running for this project.

Every time I power-cycle the device, it forgets the wifi settings and won't be able to connect to my wifi anymore :(

In the guy there's the green saves-button after I changed my wifi-settings.

What might be wrong with it? Might the eeprom be broken?

Hitower78 commented 4 years ago

After get this devices Running, thats also my problem :-(

after save perhaps a reboot?

djkad commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm a developer. Although i'm new with nodemcu language, since i need a stable and minimal version of this project i'll put the hands inside this code. I needn't the webserver and other stuff. I will hardcode the settings into variables so the logic will be: Loop forever looking the xxxx ssid. When found just connect using yyyy password and start to receive/send artnet traffic using hardcoded settings like ip,name,ssid,password and modes. I think that having a minimal solution could be the only road to find serious bugs

djkad commented 2 years ago

I succesfully made a working project. I have only to debug and solve a reset situation (probably because the watchdog timer). It's very fast because there is no webserver and it directly take the parameters at boot time without loading from filesystem. I was having problems with settings too but finally no more clear settings problems. By the way it's very easy to understand and it uses only 2 libraries: Wifi and Fastled. I directly read udp packet without having artnet libraries. When (or if) i find the solution of the reset i will share the code with mtongnz and you.

Cysign commented 2 years ago

Sounds good! I still have the hardware next to my desk...but I gave up trying years ago :D