mtongnz / ESP8266_ArtNetNode_v2

ESP8266 based WiFi ArtNet to DMX, RDM and LED Pixels
GNU General Public License v3.0
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set correct flash properties in arduino IDE #129

Open mschlen opened 4 years ago

mschlen commented 4 years ago

Hello community,,

first thanks for this great project, I really love it. I only wanted to change a few things by myself in the code (like Wifi-Settings or add a few lines of code to my project needs).

I have a problem with the flashing of a ESP 8266 07S. The arduino IDE is working and compiling without a problem. Also flashing to the ESP does not throw an error. But the problem is, that the ESP does not open as a Wifi-device. If I am flashing the bin-file with the NODEMCU Firmware Programmer, it works without a problem Due to that, I can prove the hardware is working as expected. If using the compiled Arduino .bin file and try to flash it with the NODEMCU Firmware Programmer, the same issue appears - flashing is complete, but no Wifi Hotspot to log in.

So I think, there must be something wrong with my settings in the Arduino Tools. Please see attached file for my settings.


For me it is equal, if i compile in Arduino IDE and upload the bin. file with the NODEMCU Programmer, or directly compile and upload with the IDE. The essential would be, that it works.

I hope, anyone can tell me, if there is something wrong.

Thank you all, Markus

mschlen commented 4 years ago

So no comments?

LoneWalkerWolf commented 3 years ago

Try change the following:

If none of that works, try changing the ESP8266 board library to version: 2.4.1 This also helps with compiling errors. If you are still having problems, I am always happy to just send you a .bin file for you to flash manually.