mtorchiano / lmPerm

Permutation Tests for Linear Models
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Cannot extract unrounded p-values from an lmp object. #5

Open mtorchiano opened 3 years ago

mtorchiano commented 3 years ago

Issue report from email.

I am using anova() and summary() functions on an lmp object. These functions work; output is generated. The problem is that I cannot save the output (as a data frame) where small p-values are not rounded to 0.

### MODEL (all predictor and response variables are continuous)

>  m3 <- lmPerm::lmp(trait.value ~ temp.warmest.qt + precip.warmest.qt,
                     data=pces, perm="Prob", center=FALSE, seqs=FALSE)

    [1] "Settings:  unique SS "


> summary(m3)

### Prints output (as expected).

    lmp(formula = trait.value ~ temp.warmest.qt + precip.warmest.qt,
        data = pces, perm = "Prob", seqs = FALSE, center = FALSE)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
  -40.232  -6.673  -0.914   7.422  57.311

    Estimate Iter Pr(Prob)
  temp.warmest.qt    11.2748 5000   <2e-16 
    precip.warmest.qt  -0.2221 5000   <2e-16 
    Signif. codes:  0 '*=98'*' 0.001 '*=98'*' 0.01 '=
    *=98'*' 0.05 '*=98.'*' 0.1 '*=98 '*' 1

  Residual standard error: 17.05 on 322 degrees of freedom
  Multiple R-Squared: 0.5264, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5234
  F-statistic: 178.9 on 2 and 322 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


      > summary(m3)$coefficients

### Prints coefficients, but p-values are rounded to 0.

    Estimate Iter Pr(Prob)
  (Intercept)       -134.0258363 5000        0
  temp.warmest.qt     11.2747775 5000        0
  precip.warmest.qt   -0.2220581 5000        0


    > summary(m3)$coefficients %>% data.frame() 

### Prints coefficients and converts them to object/data frame, but
    p-values are still rounded to 0.

### Rounding of p-values to 0 thus seems unrelated to print or format in

    Estimate Iter Pr.Prob.
  (Intercept)       -134.0258363 5000        0
  temp.warmest.qt     11.2747775 5000        0
  precip.warmest.qt   -0.2220581 5000        0


  > anova(m3)

### Prints anova table (as expected).

    Analysis of Variance Table

  Response: trait.value
                     Df R Sum Sq R Mean Sq Iter  Pr(Prob)
  temp.warmest.qt     1    93935     93935 5000 < 2.2e-16 
  precip.warmest.qt   1     8693      8693 5000 < 2.2e-16 
  Residuals         322    93598       291

    Signif. codes:  0 '*=98'*' 0.001 '*=98'*' 0.01 '=
    *=98'*' 0.05 '*=98.'*' 0.1 '*=98 '*' 1


    > anova(m3) %>% data.frame() 

    ### Prints anova table, but cannot convert it to object/data frame (see
    last line).

  Analysis of Variance Table

Response: trait.value

Df R Sum Sq R Mean Sq Iter  Pr(Prob)

temp.warmest.qt     1    93935     93935 5000 < 2.2e-16 

  precip.warmest.qt   1     8693      8693 5000 < 2.2e-16 

  Residuals         322    93598       291


    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows ### HERE!!!


  > Anova(m3, type=3)

  ### I have not seen any documentation where car::Anova() is used on lmp

  ### Can car::Anova() be used on an lmp object? I do want unique SS (e.g. seqs=FALSE).

  ### Either way, perhaps this is an interesting point of comparison regarding how the lmp object behaves with different functions.

  ### Also note how the p-values are different here compared to above.

  Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: trait.value
                    Sum Sq  Df F value    Pr(>F)
  (Intercept)        15113   1  51.992 4.002e-12 
  temp.warmest.qt    93935   1 323.163 < 2.2e-16 
  precip.warmest.qt   8693   1  29.907 9.108e-08 
  Residuals          93598 322
  Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


  > Anova(m3, type=3) %>% data.frame()

  ### Prints anova table and converts it to object/data frame.

                     Sum.Sq  Df   F.value       Pr..F.
(Intercept)       15112.699   1  51.99164 4.001552e-12
temp.warmest.qt   93935.468   1 323.16262 1.601505e-50
precip.warmest.qt  8693.382   1  29.90751 9.107533e-08
Residuals         93597.523 322        NA           NA

mtorchiano commented 3 years ago

Possible MWE

# f = cut(rnorm(100),3,c("A","B","C"))
f = c("B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "B", "C", "C", "B", 
  "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C", "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", "C", "B", 
  "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", 
  "B", "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", "B", "B", "C", "A", "B", "B", "B", 
  "C", "B", "C", "C", "C", "C", "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", "B", "B", 
  "B", "A", "A", "C", "B", "C", "B", "B", "A", "C", "B", "B", "C", 
  "C", "B", "B", "C", "C", "B", "C", "C", "B", "C", "C", "B", "B", 
  "C", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "C", "B", "C", "B")
#y = rnorm(100)+as.numeric(factor(f))+10
y = c(12.256065413759, 10.2338690690724, 12.7342274344284, 12.9188818361194, 
      11.2425645720792, 11.9191845873998, 13.4621700228714, 13.0280296698856, 
      11.5701046428484, 13.6354826581922, 13.4803913180852, 13.8555835211227, 
      10.0397561235053, 10.4557730038743, 12.6669319488538, 14.2971956572883, 
      13.8104686954262, 13.2160674005093, 13.6428077904016, 10.5912079616502, 
      11.335366008502, 11.9816214335981, 10.606625131425, 10.9083906068353, 
      10.6571749383987, 12.1377338717305, 10.0989543617672, 11.9654884400516, 
      12.9869458943188, 11.8411350225723, 11.7889021775581, 10.6235102833348, 
      12.4227771489572, 12.9425350520532, 11.845440836176, 12.926300807778, 
      12.6844282127005, 12.6840023540173, 12.2222128585972, 13.0224324226194, 
      10.9950045205357, 11.317472679311, 14.0893239318522, 11.0031393138157, 
      12.6120461723261, 11.6373970060832, 13.8067617775476, 10.0986571048258, 
      10.2697366004439, 11.2442277288498, 11.6356936364825, 13.0613175776661, 
      12.8016154914051, 13.3038144647712, 11.7808520680228, 14.5061825851365, 
      13.7854692387179, 12.1645436170462, 12.4507728265225, 10.9405173566993, 
      14.4545789023988, 12.866918957798, 10.3498418896696, 12.3013283988246, 
      9.57332217420656, 11.3331405673985, 11.4496638391074, 13.6839878501498, 
      11.5518141714801, 12.2701031757756, 10.1929479316683, 11.5796756486091, 
      10.2088585268213, 11.6666759982722, 13.3943982286299, 11.3526453211655, 
      13.6792439062291, 12.1832351415481, 10.7320906121624, 11.4806682174883, 
      12.0755897805694, 12.0025970240562, 10.3304369076126, 13.8170431953706, 
      11.3944912844128, 12.0743252805281, 12.5481848110357, 11.9872187712327, 
      11.0795021866822, 12.2286602012202, 13.6946529193845, 10.7843432460277, 
      12.8727044894008, 11.4879130174715, 11.8748751397884, 12.1748751329611, 
      13.138613540319, 12.993092576695, 11.4344002539369, 12.1081407650721
mdl = lmp(y ~ f)
s = summary(mdl)
s ## gives p <2e-16 *** for factor f1
s$coefficients["f1",3] == 0 ## TRUE, coefficient is stored as 0
mtorchiano commented 3 years ago

MWE from original reporter:



pces <- read.csv("pces.csv", header=TRUE, na.strings = ".")


### All predictor and response variables are continuous.
m3 <- lmPerm::lmp(trait.value ~ temp.warmest.qt + precip.warmest.qt, data=pces, perm="Prob", center=FALSE, seqs=FALSE)



### Prints output (as expected).



### Prints coefficients, but p-values are rounded to 0.


summary(m3)$coefficients %>% data.frame() 
### Prints coefficients and converts them to object/data frame, but p-values are still rounded to 0.
### Rounding of p-values to 0 thus seems unrelated to print or format in summary().


### Prints anova table (as expected).


anova(m3) %>% data.frame() 
### Prints anova table, but cannot convert it to object/data frame (see last line).


car::Anova(m3, type=3)
### I have not seen any documentation where car::Anova() is used on lmp object. 
### Can car::Anova() be used on an lmp object? I do want unique SS (e.g. seqs=FALSE).
### Either way, perhaps this is an interesting point of comparison regarding how the lmp object behaves with different functions.
### Also note how the p-values are different here compared to above.


car::Anova(m3, type=3) %>% data.frame()
### Prints anova table and converts it to object/data frame.


data for the example pces.csv
