mtotschnig / MyExpenses

GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App
GNU General Public License v3.0
768 stars 209 forks source link

Multidevice sync fails after changing categories #657

Open honnel opened 4 years ago

honnel commented 4 years ago



Everything works fine until changing some categories at device 1. new/changed categories do not get synced to device 2. only expenses with old categories get synced. manual export/import of categories via QIF from device 1 to device 2 does not change the behavior. Also a deletion of all application data on device 2 and reimport via wizard for sync backend does not fix the situation.

mtotschnig commented 4 years ago

By changing some categories do you mean A) a category is mapped to a different category or B) the label of a category is changed? When you say "only expenses with old categories get synced", do you mean that entering a completely new transaction mapped to a new category, does not get synced?