mtr / angular-iscroll

AngularJS module that enables iScroll 5 functionality, wrapping it in an easy-to-use directive.
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How can create fix header with angular-iscroll and angular-snap #14

Closed hemedani closed 6 years ago

hemedani commented 9 years ago

Hi i have a question before trying this cool directive ... (forgive me) I want's to know how can we create fixed position like header in the core-layout but with snap.js something like this but in real project I'm using the angular-snap.js with <snap-content> directive however i want's to know how can i use this features <header data-role="header" data-position="fixed"> in angular version of iscroll tank you so much ...

mtr commented 9 years ago

Hi @hemedani,

I'm sorry, but I don't have any experience in combining angular-iscroll with angular-snap, nor do I know if it would be a fruitful combination. In core-layout I implemented support for both drawers on both the left and right hand side of the screen. Assuming that what you want is the drawer effect, what is the particular different behavior you are aiming at?

hemedani commented 9 years ago

Hi @mtr In snap.js we can easily drag page to left and right for drawer I don't know we can drag page to left and right in iscroll or not. in angular-snap we have huge customization like closing drawers when route is changing and ... but i find two bugs in snap one for scrolling the drawers when the size of display in very small to fix this bug in snap doc says using iscroll library and another bug is we can not use position fixed in <snap-content> so I'm fixing this bug whit jquery scroller. I just want's to know how can i use this feature data-position="fixed" in angular-iscroll tanx man