mtsch / Ripserer.jl

Flexible and efficient persistent homology computation.
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Can Ripserer compute the discrete morse theory for a simplex, or compute the collapses? #165

Open 00krishna opened 10 months ago

00krishna commented 10 months ago

Hello. I am still relatively new to computing with simplicial complexes, but I use Julia all the time. I was wondering if Ripserer is able to compute the discrete morse theory--or essentially the collapses of a simplicial complex? I believe Eirene does this internally, for its computation of persistent homology, but not sure about Ripserer. If you or anyone happens to know of a julia package that computes the collapses for a complex, please let me know.

mtsch commented 10 months ago

Hi. In general, Ripserer does not work with collapses as it uses other tricks to get fast computation times. There is EdgeCollapsedRips, but I'm not sure how useful that is for your applications. I'm unfortunately not aware of any Julia packages for doing discrete Morse theory.