mttbernardini / appimage-thumbnailer

🖼️ A thumbnailer for AppImages
MIT License
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Resize thumbnail to requested size #2

Open mttbernardini opened 3 years ago

mttbernardini commented 3 years ago

In the gnome thumbnailing system, the requested size for a thumbnail is passed with the %s placeholder (see /resources/appimage-thumbnailer.thumbnailer). The gnome thumbnailer should honor the argument and resize .DirIcon to the requested size.

In the kde thumbnailing system, the requested size for a thumbnail is passed with arguments witdht and height. QImage provides a method (scaled) for resizing the icon.

mttbernardini commented 3 years ago

Partially fixed in 5ce54590f8c8d38ae84a890ea7742ecab840f6ac for KDE.

GNOME can't be fixed because of #3

mttbernardini commented 3 years ago

An additional note: it would be smarter to check if there's an appropriate icon under ./usr/share/icon/hicolor satisfying the target size, rather than always resizing .DirIcon