mtxr / SublimeText-SQLTools

SQLTools for Sublime Text 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autocomplete different schema oracle #112

Closed calope closed 7 years ago

calope commented 7 years ago

Issue Type

Prerequisites (For bugfixes)


I trying to autocomplete the name's column but only works with schema's table. I trying to change the schema execute this sentence ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA =

But doesn't autocomplete. Only with the schema connection.


tkopets commented 7 years ago

Right now for Oracle we get only identifiers related to the current schema, and this can be easily changed to pull all available identifiers. The problem with trying to set: ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = is that every statement you execute is executed in new sqlplus process, so your session state is not saved between commands (DB connection is not persistent, but rather new connection is opened every time you execute the command). I'll make the appropriate change to pull identifiers from all schemas, so they are available for completions.

tkopets commented 7 years ago

Prepared a new release with this improvement.

calope commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much!!!

tkopets commented 7 years ago

Let me know if the new version works as expected. It may take several hours before new version will be available in PackageControl.

calope commented 7 years ago


calope commented 7 years ago

It works great!!!

Several schema tables':

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