mtxr / vscode-sqltools

Database management for VSCode
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BigQuery connections not showing using different project_id #1300

Closed cecabrera closed 3 months ago

cecabrera commented 3 months ago

First of all, I am a big fan of this extension. Thank you for all of the hard work you have put in it :)

The bug is:


I have two different projects:

  1. real-estate-analysis
  2. trading

As you may see in the image, I am able to connect to real-estate-analysis Bigquery project using the extension with all available methods: CLI, Service Account and Oauth.

What I have tried so far:

In all of the scenarios above, the connection to real-estate-analysis project work but the trading connection doesn't.

I configured also the projects accordingly in the settings.json file and didn't work.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

When I use Bigquery Runner extension, it works:


What should I try? Thank you!

gjsjohnmurray commented 3 months ago

Please report this to the author of the BigQuery driver extension