mtxr / vscode-sqltools

Database management for VSCode
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connect is not the same as server address I used #1322

Closed Catlordx closed 2 months ago

Catlordx commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug Could't connect to MySQL server

To Reproduce I try to use this extension to connect MySQL which was installed in my server but failed. This is the output.I fountd that it connect to a wrong IP address

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gjsjohnmurray commented 2 months ago

This is the output

I didn't find any output. If a screenshot please paste it via the GitHub web UI, and make sure to mask any confidential info.

Catlordx commented 2 months ago

This is my config

But the connection is failed

I findd that the server address is not the same as what I config.......


@. | ---- Replied Message ---- | From | John @.> | | Date | 4/18/2024 23:01 | | To | @.> | | Cc | Ray @.> , @.***> | | Subject | Re: [mtxr/vscode-sqltools] connect is not the same as server address I used (Issue #1322) |

This is the output

I didn't find any output. If a screenshot please paste it via the GitHub web UI, and make sure to mask any confidential info.

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gjsjohnmurray commented 2 months ago

Did you perhaps paste screenshots into your email reply? If so, those get stripped when the email is ingested by GitHub, so please go to the issue on the GitHub website (there'll be a handy link there at the foot of a GH notification email), then paste images from your clipboard into a new comment, or drag/drop image files there.

Catlordx commented 2 months ago

well,thanks for your patiance😃 I will do that later.

---- Replied Message ---- | From | John @.> | | Date | 04/19/2024 16:52 | | To | @.> | | Cc | Ray @.>@.> | | Subject | Re: [mtxr/vscode-sqltools] connect is not the same as server address I used (Issue #1322) |

Did you perhaps paste screenshots into your email reply? If so, those get stripped when the email is ingested by GitHub, so please go to the issue on the GitHub website (there'll be a handy link there at the foot of a GH notification email), then paste images from your clipboard into a new comment, or drag/drop image files there.

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Catlordx commented 2 months ago
226-3-E312CE25-7126-4D4A-BD14-F1B2A2BABF32 226-4-94FA1FFF-7A48-4B34-B740-EEEBE44A759D (1) 226-5-F0D6E45A-32DE-4A1F-A6D7-9DBCC4662EBB
gjsjohnmurray commented 2 months ago

Please use VS Code's Command Palette (F1) to run Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON), then search for in that file in case it exists in a "sqltools.connections" array object.

Do the same with commands Preferences: Open Folder Settings (JSON) and Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON) if they are present in Command Palette.

I'm trying to determine why the connection error is reporting a different IP address from the one you think it should be connecting to.

Catlordx commented 2 months ago

I am certain that no in the settings.json file.

In fact I was able to connect to local MySQL normally, but not on the remote server.It's really confusing.I decided to continue to use SQLyog......

gjsjohnmurray commented 2 months ago

OK. Thanks for trying SQLTools anyway.