mu-editor / mu

A small, simple editor for beginner Python programmers. Written in Python and Qt5.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.41k stars 435 forks source link

Column select, spaces, unstable, crash. #1028

Open MvGulik opened 4 years ago

MvGulik commented 4 years ago

1) New file. 2) Add single line with only spaces. (~64 spaces should do) (same with tabs) 3) Initiate column select (CTRL+Mouse-Select) on that lines (at or near beginning of line). 4) Extend selection with mouse towards the end of the line. 5) Tends to crash at some point.

Terminal output: Logging to /home/<user>/.cache/mu/log/mu.log (not included, did not contain relevant/related data) free(): invalid next size (fast) Aborted (core dumped)

Process 6851 (mu-editor) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 6851:
#0  0x00007f4c3f5c7e97 __GI_raise (
#1  0x00007f4c3f5c9801 __GI_abort (
#2  0x00007f4c3f612897 __libc_message (
#3  0x00007f4c3f61990a malloc_printerr (
#4  0x00007f4c3f620f60 _int_free (
#5  0x00007f4c2b8587f0 n/a (/home/<user>/test_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/lib/
#6  0x00000000036283e0 n/a (n/a)

(Linux Mint 19.3 cinnamon)

(See also => Other effected code editors)

pip list:

Package          Version   
---------------- ----------
appdirs          1.4.3     
backcall         0.1.0     
certifi          2020.4.5.1
chardet          3.0.4     
colorzero        1.1       
cycler           0.10.0    
decorator        4.4.2     
docutils         0.16      
eric-ide         20.4      
gpiozero         1.5.1     
guizero          1.1.0     
idna             2.9       
ipykernel        5.2.1     
ipython          7.13.0    
ipython-genutils 0.2.0     
jedi             0.17.0    
jupyter-client   6.1.3     
jupyter-core     4.6.3     
kiwisolver       1.2.0     
Markdown         3.2.1     
matplotlib       2.2.2     
mu-editor        1.0.3     
nudatus          0.0.4     
numpy            1.18.2    
parso            0.7.0     
pexpect          4.8.0     
pgzero           1.2       
pickleshare      0.7.5     
pigpio           1.46      
Pillow           7.1.1     
pip              20.0.2    
pkg-resources    0.0.0     
prompt-toolkit   3.0.5     
ptyprocess       0.6.0     
pycodestyle      2.4.0     
pyflakes         2.0.0     
pygame           1.9.6     
Pygments         2.6.1     
pyparsing        2.4.7     
PyQt5            5.14.1    
PyQt5-sip        12.7.2    
PyQtChart        5.14.0    
PyQtWebEngine    5.14.0    
pyserial         3.4       
python-dateutil  2.8.1     
pytz             2019.3    
pyzmq            19.0.0    
QScintilla       2.11.4    
qtconsole        4.3.1     
requests         2.23.0    
semver           2.9.1     
setuptools       39.0.1    
six              1.14.0    
tornado          6.0.4     
traitlets        4.3.3     
urllib3          1.25.9    
wcwidth          0.1.9     
MvGulik commented 4 years ago

Matkuki of Ex.Co editor has found and added additional information about this issue. (see github link in op)

carlosperate commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report @MvGulik!

Can't replicate in macOS with v1.1.0-alpha.2, but sounds like this could be a C/C++ issue in Qscintilla on Linux:

We still need to reproduce in Mu on Linux to make sure it's the same problem, but I'd be surprised if we can't reproduce (at least in debian-based distros).

@MvGulik are you planing to report this as well in the Qscintilla mailing list?

MvGulik commented 4 years ago

@MvGulik are you planing to report this as well in the Qscintilla mailing list?

Considering eric6' s developer already opened a related thread on it, and also seems to have had more Qscintilla mailing list contacts. I figured I first give him to opportunity to follow-up on it. On top of that, he has better experience and skill for this. (kinda think you all have in this case)

But ... if need be, yes I will. Although, as I'm not having any Qscintilla experience(code-wise), I'm not sure if I can provide what was asked at the Qscintilla mailing list. (at least not yet)

(Mmm, I see eric6's dev is at least not on holiday ... but has not reacted to my update-post yet)

MvGulik commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if I can provide what was asked at the Qscintilla mailing list.

But than again, Matkuki's reports might do the trick too. Will forward those (including links) in a days or so to the Qscintilla mailing list. (if you like me to wait with that, just let me know)

MvGulik commented 4 years ago

Actually ... it turns out matkuki and eric6' s dev already posted a follow-up post on the Qscintilla mailing list.


Easier update checking links: (months without activity return as 404)

carlosperate commented 4 years ago

Thanks @MvGulik, looks like at the moment Qscintilla dev is still in the "trying to replicate" phase. We'll keep an eye.