mu-editor / mu

A small, simple editor for beginner Python programmers. Written in Python and Qt5.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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macOS: first click on unfocused Mu window should be ignored (disable "click-through", the click should just bring the window into focus) #2468

Open rxhfcy opened 8 months ago

rxhfcy commented 8 months ago

What were you trying to do?

I was trying to bring an unfocused Mu window into focus by clicking anywhere on the window (this is how it normally works on macOS)

What steps did you take to trigger the issue?

  1. Make a connected CircuitPython device go to deep sleep and open a serial connection to the device (CircuitPython REPL at the bottom of the window)
  2. Make the Mu editor window unfocused (focus another application, eg. Safari)
  3. Click inside the "CircuitPython REPL" part of the Mu window to bring the Mu window into focus

What did you expect to happen?

Expected Mu to act like any other macOS application: just bring the Mu window into focus, otherwise ignore my click

What actually happened?

The click was not ignored and Mu thought I wanted to actually click inside the "CircuitPython REPL" part of the window which caused the deep sleep to be interrupted.

This was not what I intended (just wanted to bring the window into focus).


Operating System Version

macOS 13.6.1 (22G313)

Mu Version

Mu 1.2.0

Other Info

It's the standard macOS way to "ignore" the first click on an unfocused window (the click just brings the window into focus).

For example, if you click on a link in an unfocused Safari window, the first click is "ignored" and you have to click the link again to actually follow the link (the first click is interpreted as clicking on the window, not on the link)

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