muak / CoordinatorPage

The sample of scrolled NavigationBar with ListView
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Further Extensibility #1

Open ChasakisD opened 5 years ago

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

The idea of packing the content of the MainActivity to a FrameLayout inside a CoordinatorLayout is pretty cool and also the transform of the ListView to a NestedListView. In my, kinda old, implementation of the coordinator layout, i had to replace the Toolbar and there was a flashing kinda effect, which seem bad. It also had a bit of an overhead because the operation of changing the toolbar on android is a quite expensive call. But the idea of instead of replacing, set it by the start seems pretty good! I have not looked at the iOS example, since i do not have an imac device at home. I could test it at work.

My thought was that we can further extend this sample to being a whole(and pretty cool) 3rd party that can spawn coordinator layouts pretty fast and any time. I understand that may be a kind of early stage of the implementation, but I can help you with :)

muak commented 5 years ago


Thank you for reading my code.

Before I implemented this sample, I read your Xamarin.Forms-Coordinator-Workaround. On Xamarin.Forms, that is the only CoordinatorLayout example I can find. It was very helpful for me. I'm very grateful for you.

In the future, I think that I want to release the NuGet package based on this sample and introduce it to my app. For now, since this sample is made for the blog article (will be published 2018-12-1), I have implemented minimum as what you said.

There are some issues in this sample. For example, using NavigaionPage / ContentPage is assumed at the moment, but when using such as NavigationPage / TabbedPage / ContentPage and TabbedPage / NavigationPage / ContentPage, we have to allow for replace the TabBar.

It would be nice if you could help me😄

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

@muak I think that it will not be so difficult, but yes in order to render TabbedPage/MasterDetail you have to replace the toolbar. It would be nice if we could provide some scenarios of use of the CoordinatorLayout into the MasterDetail and/or TabbedPage, so there will no need to replace the toolbar. But this seems kinda utopic to me and I wonder if it is worth trying. That is the reason I pause the further implementation of my own example. I have implemented some of them into an Android App(for University purposes). Take a look at the Native Android Client of this repo