muak / SvgImageSource

Custom ImageSource that will become able to show svg image for Xamarin.Forms
MIT License
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Issue with loading SVGs in ListView Cells #16

Open skadookkunnan opened 3 years ago

skadookkunnan commented 3 years ago

We use Xamarin.Forms.Svg plugin in one of our projects and it is used quite a lot in our case. It works in most of the cases/times.

However, we have lots of ListViews and CollectionViews in our application and we have scenarios of using SVG images in the custom cells/views as the ImageSource of buttons in those. The issue we face in our case is, very inconsistent and only happens in the Actual device (iPhone/Android phones).


The images rendered using SvgImageSource sometimes does not load at all. It loads properly in one cell and in the very next cell/view it does not show up. Have anyone experienced something like this before?

Would there be a reason for happening this, which is related to a ListView?

Please let me know as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Sagar S. Kadookkunnan

IMG_F3650BB499E8-1 IMG_9C406C193E6D-1

Note: In the attached images, the markings with Red shows a cell where all the images rendered properly, and others have not loaded completely.