muaz-khan / RTCMultiConnection

RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
MIT License
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black screen #778

Open gmbad opened 5 years ago

gmbad commented 5 years ago

Hello @muaz-khan

I'm using google chrome / chrome, and many times, when I make a video call, my camera appears fine, but the other person complains that the screen turns black with a circle (loading) in the middle and does not connect.

I have already updated the IceServersHandler.js but I did not succeed.

This is only happening on some calls.

Would this be a problem on the STUN / TURN server?

Can you help me?

Thank you,



matiaslopezd commented 5 years ago

@gmbad are you check the StreamMedia tracks? You only recieve audio or neither?

Maybe you can check seeking event of video element and play when event seeked is fired. Maybe read this doc of Media events :)

gmbad commented 5 years ago

@matiaslopezd neither audio nor video is working.

This problem began to occur about 2 months ago. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.

Thanks for the answer.

matiaslopezd commented 5 years ago

@gmbad Maybe TURN server is not working. Can you log connections and post here?

samehdoush commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem ,Please help, It's even the same problem on the demo , After the scan it works with the same ip connection but if there is a peer has a different ip do not work for him and the videos show a black screen and do not share any of the chat or files

samehdoush commented 4 years ago

VM1772:305 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. at RTCMultiConnection.connection.onstream (:305:21) at RTCMultiConnection.min.js:442 at getRMCMediaElement (RTCMultiConnection.min.js:209) at MultiPeers.RTCMultiConnection.mPeer.onGettingRemoteMedia (RTCMultiConnection.min.js:441) at Object.onRemoteStream (RTCMultiConnection.min.js:61) at PeerInitiator.peer.ontrack (RTCMultiConnection.min.js:272) at wrappedCallback (VM1766 adapter-latest.js:2667) at wrappedCallback (VM1766 adapter-latest.js:2667) at RTCPeerConnection.wrappedCallback (adapter.js:2513) at RTCPeerConnection.c (rocket-loader.min.js:1)

  (anonymous) @ VM1912:3
  t.activateScript @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
  (anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1 @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
  (anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
  (anonymous) @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
muaz-khan commented 4 years ago

Please try following code both for screen-sharing and camera-streaming:

// try in your HTML demo files
// paste anywhere on top
// quickly after "connection = new RTCMultiConnection"
// make sure that other codes are not overriding it in the same HTML demo file

var bitrates = 512;
var resolutions = 'Ultra-HD';
var videoConstraints = {};

if (resolutions == 'HD') {
    videoConstraints = {
        width: {
            ideal: 1280
        height: {
            ideal: 720
        frameRate: 30

if (resolutions == 'Ultra-HD') {
    videoConstraints = {
        width: {
            ideal: 1920
        height: {
            ideal: 1080
        frameRate: 30

connection.mediaConstraints = {
    video: videoConstraints,
    audio: true

var CodecsHandler = connection.CodecsHandler;

connection.processSdp = function(sdp) {
    var codecs = 'vp8';

    if (codecs.length) {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, codecs.toLowerCase());

    if (resolutions == 'HD') {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, {
            audio: 128,
            video: bitrates,
            screen: bitrates

        sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, {
            min: bitrates * 8 * 1024,
            max: bitrates * 8 * 1024,

    if (resolutions == 'Ultra-HD') {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, {
            audio: 128,
            video: bitrates,
            screen: bitrates

        sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, {
            min: bitrates * 8 * 1024,
            max: bitrates * 8 * 1024,

    return sdp;


I found that chromium default implementation is kind of BUGGY. You've to force bitrates/framerates to get stable HD stream. (Even 480p stream isn't stable using default codes)

Repeat: It makes sure that stream is "STABLE". There are lesser packet-drops. And it uses more bandwidth comparing to the default implementation.


You can reduce stream quality from 720p to 360p or lower. You can listen for connection.onPeerStateChanged to detection disconnections and reduce stream quality accordingly. Some users may not have bandwidth to fullfil above code's needs.

You can look on chrome://webrtc-internals/ to make sure above codes are successfully applied.

samehdoush commented 4 years ago

@muaz-khan Thanks for the help I've experimented but it didn't work , Then I tried to add `connection.iceServers = [];

// second step, set STUN url connection.iceServers.push({ urls: '' });

// last step, set TURN url (recommended) connection.iceServers.push( { url: '', credential: 'muazkh', username: '' });`

It works but the video and audio is slow and choppy

codysherman commented 4 years ago

Can confirm the original poster's complaint. Started a few months ago, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Having the client on the same network as the casting host dramatically increases odds it fails. I'm getting this issue on the Chrome p2p extension.

aminbaig commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to even bring the resolution lower then HD? For example if we were to reduce it to SD instead of HD or Full HD can we do that and if yes how would we change the values in the code above?

BasilVictor commented 4 years ago

Same issue with me. This happens only on particular devices. Any fix or workaround? The user joins the room but the video keeps loading and neither can hear the host nor can his voice be heard by others.

moMamdouhSaad commented 4 years ago

same issue with me , some times open and sometimes not

igo21 commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem with the black screen, but solved it using a TURN server.

here's a link on how to use a TURN server: here here's a link on how to install a TURN server: here

BasilVictor commented 4 years ago

@muaz-khan Thanks for the help I've experimented but it didn't work , Then I tried to add `connection.iceServers = [];

// second step, set STUN url connection.iceServers.push({ urls: '' });

// last step, set TURN url (recommended) connection.iceServers.push( { url: '', credential: 'muazkh', username: '' });`

It works but the video and audio is slow and choppy

This works for me

rifrocket commented 3 years ago

my connection works fine when I remote access it from my mobile phone but when I try to access it from my pc it just keeps loading with a black screen can anybody help me?


happog commented 2 years ago


HI I have successfully set up video conference call in local wifi network , so i need not to conisder bandwith since local wifi is enough to use, so i want to try test more codecs and more higher resolution and more higher fps scenarios since latest mobile phone have this capability even 8K streaming available. So my question is that How can i change code to support 4K@60fps H264, even H265 4K@60fps etc.. thanks

anfha1 commented 2 years ago

I found 1 solution to my problem here:

frankdors commented 9 months ago

Please try following code both for screen-sharing and camera-streaming:

// try in your HTML demo files
// paste anywhere on top
// quickly after "connection = new RTCMultiConnection"
// make sure that other codes are not overriding it in the same HTML demo file

var bitrates = 512;
var resolutions = 'Ultra-HD';
var videoConstraints = {};

if (resolutions == 'HD') {
    videoConstraints = {
        width: {
            ideal: 1280
        height: {
            ideal: 720
        frameRate: 30

if (resolutions == 'Ultra-HD') {
    videoConstraints = {
        width: {
            ideal: 1920
        height: {
            ideal: 1080
        frameRate: 30

connection.mediaConstraints = {
    video: videoConstraints,
    audio: true

var CodecsHandler = connection.CodecsHandler;

connection.processSdp = function(sdp) {
    var codecs = 'vp8';

    if (codecs.length) {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, codecs.toLowerCase());

    if (resolutions == 'HD') {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, {
            audio: 128,
            video: bitrates,
            screen: bitrates

        sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, {
            min: bitrates * 8 * 1024,
            max: bitrates * 8 * 1024,

    if (resolutions == 'Ultra-HD') {
        sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, {
            audio: 128,
            video: bitrates,
            screen: bitrates

        sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, {
            min: bitrates * 8 * 1024,
            max: bitrates * 8 * 1024,

    return sdp;


I found that chromium default implementation is kind of BUGGY. You've to force bitrates/framerates to get stable HD stream. (Even 480p stream isn't stable using default codes)

Repeat: It makes sure that stream is "STABLE". There are lesser packet-drops. And it uses more bandwidth comparing to the default implementation.


You can reduce stream quality from 720p to 360p or lower. You can listen for connection.onPeerStateChanged to detection disconnections and reduce stream quality accordingly. Some users may not have bandwidth to fullfil above code's needs.

You can look on chrome://webrtc-internals/ to make sure above codes are successfully applied.