muaz-khan / RecordRTC

RecordRTC is WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.
MIT License
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RecordRTC - Recording or Playing recordings on Safari is failing #766

Open prashant-sfl opened 2 years ago

prashant-sfl commented 2 years ago

Hi there! if anyone still working on this. Safari is still not able to record or play recorded videos.

I am using RecordRTC to allow my application user to record their video and upload. This works perfectly fine with Chrome and Mozilla Firefox but Safari having trouble playing recorded videos. I research for the same and found mimeType: 'video/webm\;codecs=vp8' to be used for safari. However this still won't work on Safari browsers. (mac OS x and iOS)

Can someone please help me with this? I have multiple users working on different operating systems and working on different browsers and I want to make sure RecordRTC works for all of them.

I am open to change/ switch to any other alternative if available to implement this feature with cross-browser support of course.

I found Twilio but I am not sure whether Twilio supports standalone recordings or not? I mean I just want single user to go on a page record a video and upload.

Please see below my RecordRTC configuration if it helps: const options = { type: 'video', mimeType: 'video/webm\;codecs=vp8', bitsPerSecond: 128000, timeSlice: 1000 }; After user completes the recording, I am converting it to a blob and append it to the formData to save it to the server: var recordedBlob: Blob = recordRTC.getBlob(); formData.append('files', recordedBlob, this.courseComponent?.courseComponent?.name + '.webm');``

This recorded video plays fine in Chrome and Firefox but in Safari it Fails. Please if you can guide me through this it will be great help to me. Thanks.

Below are the console log snaps: 1.browser does not support media recorder api image

  1. when tried to play the recorded video image

3.says browser does not support media recorder api and try using whammyRecorder (which doesn't work either) image


usama-gh commented 2 years ago

Same issue!

zh1314 commented 2 years ago

Same issue! please help me!

coldboot-damikez commented 2 years ago

MediaRecorder API is not available for Safari iOS lower than 14.7