muaz-khan / WebRTC-Experiment

WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!!
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Temasys webrtc for Safari and Ie #386

Open transonly opened 8 years ago

transonly commented 8 years ago

Do you have example code integrating the features that Temasys provides?

I've taken your "webrtc-broadcasting" as basis for developing an webrtc-application on my chat and all works fine on chrome, opera and firefox.

But having immense trouble with integrating their stuff which should be very straightforward. :-)

nodiced922 commented 7 years ago

The Temasys plugin to for Safari and ie, seems to be the only way webrtc is going to be used on these browsers any time in the near future. Being able to take advantage of the Temasys plugin within this project would be Amazing. The plug in is easy to implement, only small changes to the js should be needed to allow expansion to these major browsers.