muaz-khan / WebRTC-Experiment

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Communicating with Multiple signaling servers (Socketio-over-nodejs) #392

Open apptestingrc opened 8 years ago

apptestingrc commented 8 years ago

Hai, If i have multiple signaling server like Signal-A and Signal-B which are on same network with different ip and If Party-A is registered at Signal-A and Party-B with Signal-B.

How can i make call between Party-A and Party-B?

muaz-khan commented 8 years ago

Either connect both users to Signal-A server; or connect both users to Signal-B server.

Otherwise, if there are strict Firewall issues; then setup serve-to-server connection between two unique nodejs instances. I didn't try this technique yet.

Server-to-server ( connection should work as following:

  1. UserA (the browser) sends offer-sdp to Signal-A server
  2. Signal-A server relays the offer-sdp message to Signal-B server
  3. Signal-B broadcasts the message to userB (the browser).
  4. and so on.