I am working on a project , and we need to use WebRTC to vedio confrence , record vedio , and desktop sharing .
openSocket: function(config) {
// https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/blob/master/Signaling.md
// This method "openSocket" can be defined in HTML page
// to use any signaling gateway either XHR-Long-Polling or SIP/XMPP or WebSockets/Socket.io
// or WebSync/SignalR or existing implementations like signalmaster/peerserver or sockjs etc.
var channel = config.channel || location.href.replace( /\/|:|#|%|\.|\[|\]/g , '');
var socket = new Firebase('https://webrtc.firebaseIO.com/' + channel);
socket.channel = channel;
socket.on('child_added', function(data) {
socket.send = function(data) {
config.onopen && setTimeout(config.onopen, 1);
return socket;
I realized that this project use fireBase.js to create socket .
can I use this project with my own server socket ?
hello every one ,
I am working on a project , and we need to use WebRTC to vedio confrence , record vedio , and desktop sharing .
I realized that this project use
to create socket . can I use this project with my own server socket ?