I am very interested in this starter/template project for building some vue/vite powered browser extensions.
When i start the project with
npm run dev it starts fine.
I then try to load the chrome extension from the dist folder as instructed but it shows me:
Uncaught ReferenceError: __DISPLAY_NAME__ is not defined
at app.vue:12:27
at callWithErrorHandling (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:1659:19)
at callWithAsyncErrorHandling (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:1666:17)
at ReactiveEffect.getter [as fn] (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:3361:16)
at ReactiveEffect.run (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:435:19)
at doWatch (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:3462:13)
at watchEffect (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:3256:10)
at setup (app.vue:9:1)
at callWithErrorHandling (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:1659:19)
at setupStatefulComponent (chunk-HS45CFH5.js?v=81710182:9073:25)
I have tried adding the .env file with the following:
I am very interested in this starter/template project for building some vue/vite powered browser extensions.
When i start the project with
npm run dev it starts fine.
I then try to load the chrome extension from the dist folder as instructed but it shows me:
I have tried adding the .env file with the following:
But still the browser does not seem to accept the extension.
Thank you for your time!