mubix / windows-hardening

Because I can't find scripts to do this anywhere else...
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Disabling IPv6 via Powershell #6

Open picatz opened 7 years ago

picatz commented 7 years ago

Some powershell ramblings to disable / figure / check IPv6 network things:

To get a list of the avaialable network adapters:

# get list of net adapters with ipv6 components
Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6

Let's say we had one named "Ethernet" -- well, we can Disable it via Disable-NetAdapterBinding

# disable ipv6 for network adapter named "Ethernet"
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name "Ethernet" -ComponentID ms_tcpip6

Then we can check the configuration of that net adapter:

Get-NetAdapter -Name "Ethernet" | Get-NetIPConfiguration


Not sure what you're doing with this repo. But, I guess I could figure out how to turn it into some sort of script, ya?

Security Benefits

Information security thought leader ( and Wilders Security Forums Registered Member ) DesuMaiden has totes proven IPv6 as a " surveillance tool for the government".