Closed Dizzy-Pi closed 6 years ago
Is anyone monitoring this page? I have reinstalled gr-iridium on both machines and the error persists. I get no python errors in any other programs.
Yes, but I can't reproduce the problem. What version of gnuradio are you using? Did you install/compile it yourself or is it a package?
Hi and thanks. The issue on the Rpi has GNU Radio companion 3.7.10. I can't recall how it was installed or if it was already part of raspbian.
Can you try building gnuradio from (current) source and then recompiling gr-iridium?
ok will do. no time left tonight but will post again tomorrow, thank you.
Built gnuradio from from current source and recompiled gr-iridium. Now have "importerror: no module named osmosdr_swig". I have swig and osmosdr installled. so thats where i'm up to.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/iridium-extractor", line 10, in
I'm going to close this as it is not a bug, more of "trying to juggle and understand everything" issue. I will keep at it until it runs again. Thanks Sec42, i appreciate your work on this project.
Hi, I'm getting this error now on both my linux mint 18 build and my RPi 3 Raspbian build. The full text is: pi@raspberrypi:~/gr-iridium $ iridium-extractor -D 4 examples/rtl-sdr.conf | grep "A:OK" > output.bits gr-osmosdr v0.1.4-98-gc653754d (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.10 built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf rfspace redpitaya Error in `/usr/bin/python2': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00cd9fe8