muccg / rdrf

The Rare Disease Registry Framework (RDRF) is an open source tool for the creation of web-based patient registries.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15 stars 8 forks source link

Visualisations Design #2261

Closed id2359 closed 1 year ago

id2359 commented 1 year ago

Design Abbrevs DPD = Django-Plotly-Dash ( DM = dashboards app data module PD = Pandas RDF = Registry DataFrame ( a wrapper around a PD DataFrame)

Dashboard View in RDRF loads RDF from the raw data in Postgres

diagram to go here

RDF is just
seq pid type form COLLECTIONDATE ...(e.g. other fields) EQ_Health_Rate EQ_Mobility EQ_Pain_Discomfort ..


all patients mode
   seq  pid      type           form COLLECTIONDATE  ... EQ_Health_Rate EQ_Mobility EQ_Pain_Discomfort EQ_Selfcare EQ_UsualActivities
0    1    1  baseline  BaselineProms     2022-11-07  ...             72           4                  3           5                  5
1    2    1  followup  FollowUpProms     2022-11-08  ...             34           4                  5           5                  5
2    1    2  baseline  BaselineProms     2022-11-08  ...             46           4                  5           5                  3

[3 rows x 17 columns]
single patient mode patient 1
   seq  pid      type           form COLLECTIONDATE  ... EQ_Health_Rate EQ_Mobility EQ_Pain_Discomfort EQ_Selfcare EQ_UsualActivities
0    1    1  baseline  BaselineProms     2022-11-07  ...             72           4                  3           5                  5
1    2    1  followup  FollowUpProms     2022-11-08  ...             34           4                  5           5                  5

[2 rows x 17 columns]
single patient mode patient 2
   seq  pid      type           form COLLECTIONDATE  ... EQ_Health_Rate EQ_Mobility EQ_Pain_Discomfort EQ_Selfcare EQ_UsualActivities
0    1    2  baseline  BaselineProms     2022-11-08  ...             46           4                  5           5                  3

[1 rows x 17 columns]
id2359 commented 1 year ago

I've sanity checked Django-Plotly-Dash works ( ) so will use that.

id2359 commented 1 year ago

The review of the previous Power Bi work is here :

id2359 commented 1 year ago

I've merged in the sanity check branch

id2359 commented 1 year ago

Django Ploty Dash Works, main view navigation works. Data loading done.